Monday 29 April 2013

22 Weeks Pregnant :D

I'm sooooooo happy and excited that my Mama and Aunty arrived in Calgary today :D YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!  We're all in our jammies, watching one of my favourite movies "Dutch"! John Hughes is one of my hero's!!! :)))

I can't believe I'm 22 weeks pregnant already!! CRAZY!!  Jens felt baby girl kick a bunch of times last night before bed, and we both fell asleep smiling like goons :D  It's so incredible to feel her move around inside me!

Within the last week I've had some new developments.  Lower back pain,  heartburn, and I've noticed the veins in my tummy are really showing through.  I read that the veins are more visible due to the increase in blood flow, which is helping to carry the nutrients to baby.  Nothing to worry about :) 

I will write a few more times this week :D  Feeling very grateful and inspired.  

Big scootches for everyone XoXoXo

Sweet Love,

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