Wednesday 17 April 2013

Sheppards Pie Recipe :D

Hello lovely peeps :D

Remember that show "Are you afraid of the dark"? .... Well, my brother and I just found it on Netflix, and we're pretty darn excited!! LOL!! We used to watch that show back in the day like it was our job ;) Woot!!! 

I prepared a yummy dinner tonight for baby girl and I :)  I made Sheppard's Pie, and a fresh romaine salad with raspberries, walnuts and avocado.  I also made a delish dijon mustard and apple cider vinegar dressing!  Hubby comes home from Toronto this evening, so he'll be happy to have lots of leftovers :)  Sheppard's Pie Recipe BELOW. 

I had a midwives appointment yesterday, and once again got to hear my lil potaters heartbeat :D As soon as the doc put the doppler on my tummy, baby kicked really hard and we were both surprised at how strong her movement was.  So amazing!! I love feeling her move around in there :)

I hope you're all having a wonderful week XoXoXo

Sweet Love,

Sheppard's Pie Recipe

Ingredients (I try to use organic products as much as I can)

1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
1/2 tsp minced garlic 
1 small onion
1 (8oz) package of mushrooms
1 medium tomato
1 (300gram) package of frozen mixed veggies (corn, carrots,peas,green beans)
3/4 package veggie grind (I use Yves)
1 tbsp organic ketchup
1 tsp hot sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

6 medium white potatoes
1/4 cup dairy free milk
4 tbsp vegan sour cream
1 tbsp earth balance butter
2 tsp onion powder
1.5 tsp salt

1/4 cup daiya shreds (cheddar)
paprika to sprinkle on top

Heat oven to 350'

Cut potatoes into cubes and boil for 15 minutes

Dice up the onion, mushrooms and tomato and saute in olive oil
Add in garlic, salt and pepper to taste
Add in frozen mixed veggies
Add in veggie grind
Add in ketchup and hotsauce
Cook for 5-8 minutes on medium heat
Pour the mixture into a 9/13 inch casserole dish and flatten with spatula

Drain potatoes
Add in dairy free milk, sour cream, earth balance butter, onion powder, salt
Mash Mash Mash
Add potatoes on top of the veggie mixture and level out

Sprinkle the Daiya cheese shreds on top
Sprinkle paprika on top 

Bake in oven for 25 minutes :D  Simple and easy comfort food! YUMBLY!

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