Friday 26 April 2013

Exciting news... and homemade refrigerator dill pickles :D

Good morning beautiful sunshine!!!  I'm so happy we're finally having some nice weather here.  It's going to be 18 degrees this afternoon Yesssss!!!!  :D

Yesterday was also a really nice day out, so I took my dog Bailey for an hour walk, and then came home to make some refrigerator garlic dill pickles.  I hope they turn out good, as it's my first go at it.  It's going to be hard to wait five days before eating them!  I want them in my belly NOW! ;)  I'll let ya know how they turn out. :)

On a more exciting note, my beautiful mom will be arriving in Calgary next Tuesday!! She has taken a year leave of absence from her 25 year government job to come and stay with Jens and I. :))))))  I couldn't be more happy about this!! It's been hard not having my mom here with me through my pregnancy, so I'm very excited that she'll be here for the second half, and get to spend some quality bonding time with baby girl when she arrives.  I love you mommy xoxoxo

While walking my dog yesterday, I thought up this lil quote :) 

"While passing through the stormy weather, focus on life's simple pleasures"

It's the simple things in life that mean the most...  like having a roof over your head, healthy food in the fridge, people that love and care for you, nature, and the ability to smile :D  I think I'm going to make a list of things I'm grateful for this weekend... I haven't done that in awhile, and it's always a nice reminder of life's beauty and blessings.  I hope everyone has a bright and peaceful Friday Xoxo

Sweet Love,

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