Tuesday 7 May 2013

23 Weeks Pregnant :D

Howdy :D

I haven't been writing as much because my Mama and Aunty are here in town! We've been so busy crafting, cooking, shopping and painting the nursery!  I love having two of my favourite women here!!! We've been crafting a special quilt for baby girl, and we should have it finished by tomorrow.  I'll post a picture when it's complete. :)

23 weeks pregnant, and in the last week my dreams have been BANANAS!!!!  They've become so strange and freaky that I actually feel upset in the morning until I can shake it off.  Has anyone else experienced this while being pregnant?  For example: A few nights ago I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins... a boy and a girl, and the little boy died upon delivery, and I saw his lifeless face :'(  SERIOUSLY!!! How disturbing is that!!!  I'm hoping this doesn't last for much longer.  

On a happier note, my little girl is moving around like a ninja as I type this :D  I've noticed between 8:30 and 9:30 at night, she's a lil busy bee in there.  It's so comforting to feel her, as it lets me know she's okay :)

And on a more humorous note... my belly is getting GINORMOUS, which in turn has morphed me into a PENGUIN lol!  I waddle around all day, and it's hilarious!  Can't wait to see myself near the end of my third trimester.  So far I've been thoroughly entertained!! :D  

Sweet Love to y'all,

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