Thursday 11 April 2013

Butterflies in my tummy :D

Last night while I was laying in bed.... I felt her :)  How AMAZING!!! She must've been having a dance party for one in there, because the fluttering went on for at least 10 minutes!!!  I was waiting patiently for that special moment, and it just makes everything so beautiful and REAL :)  Happy*

On another note,  I must say it's been kinda yucky coming home from 30 degree sunshiney weather in Las Vegas, to this dreary cold here in Calgary.  I am SO looking forward to SuMmEr SuNsHiNe.  I find that I function a lot better in a bright and warm climate.  My brother was teasing me a couple of days ago while we were video chatting on facetime.  He saw that it was snowing out the window here, and then showed me out his window in Nashville! Bright blue sunny sky.... gorgeous cherry blossom trees.... and I'm sure there were birds chirping "The sound of music"  ;)  Little brat!!! Gosh I just LOVE Nashville!! I can't wait to live there one day :D My most FAVOURITE restaurant is there as well.  It's called "The Wild Cow".... best vegan food EVER!!! I want to live in that restaurant!!!!!

Anyhoo,  baby girl and I just got really hungry :)  Time to whip up some delish breakfast!!  Lets make our own bright and beautiful day Xoxoxo

Sweet Love,

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