Saturday 6 April 2013

EXCITING NEWS!!!!! ..... and 19 weeks pregnant :D

 Hi lovelies,

Jens and I had our 2nd ultrasound appointment yesterday :)  It was so amazing to see how much the lil potater has grown.   The technician observed baby, and said everything looks perfect so far :D  

We're super duper excited to tell the world that WE'RE HAVING A PRECIOUS LITTLE GIRL!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! We couldn't be happier!! As soon as the tech said those words, tears of pure joy flooded down my face!  I had no intuition of the baby's gender, so it felt like a big shock.  I think it would have either way :)  A beautiful and special moment that we'll treasure for the rest of our lives! 

I've been feeling so much excitement over the wonderful news, that I just had to do something "sweet" to celebrate!  Soo, I decided to bake a two layer strawberry cake, with creamy vanilla frosting... all from scratch :D  I also made the lil baby girl on top out of paper.  So fun!!!  Jens, Shaun (my brother), and I had a slice for dessert tonight and all I can say is DELISH! :)

I hope everyone's having a happy and peaceful weekend XoXoXo

Sweet Love, 

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