Thursday 28 March 2013

Vegas Babbbby :)))))

Good morning lovelies :D I woke up extra early today because I'm sooooo excited for Vegas!!  Jens gets off work at 3pm, and we're leaving soon after.  Did I mention that we're driving ;)  We didn't want to put my anxiety and fear of flying on the lil potater, so we're gettin' er done on the blacktop :) It's about an 18 hour drive!  We'll stay in a hotel in Montana tonight, and then drive the rest of the way tomorrow! YAY!  I'm so looking forward to this trip with my Jensie bear... we've decided it's going to be our honeymoon, since we haven't taken one yet. 

 I went to planet organic yesterday and picked up a bunch of yummy/healthy snacks for the road.  I'm going to make vegan bologna samiches, PB&J's, and I got some pears, apples, grapes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and peppers to cut up :)  We didn't want to eat yucky food this time, as we all know it's so easy to fall into that trap when you're traveling!  But lets be real, I definitely bought some "healthy junk food".  The company that made our vegan wedding cake "Sweets From The Earth", also makes a wide variety of baked goods and treats.  They sell them at planet organic, so I got a big ol' box of chocolate chip cookies NOM NOM NOM!!! I was tempted to get their blueberry cheesecake too, but I thought it might get a lil messy :) 

I'm really going to miss my dog Bailey for six whole nights! She's one of my best friends in the world!  Last night, I smashed my knee really hard on the corner of our wooden bed! It made me cry, and it was obvious that Bailey knew I hurt myself.  She was panicked, and was rubbing her head into my legs.  Such a sweet girl Xoxo  Jens and I are so fortunate to have her!   She's going to stay at doggy daycare while we're away.  Every time we leave her, it hurts my heart and I cry.  Big ol' sap... I know :)

I hope you all have a sunshiney week ahead!! I know I'll be the happiest girl in my flip flops and shorts :)))) Apparently, it's going to be 30 degrees and sunny, pretty much the entire time we're there! I hope the forecast stays that way :D  VEGAS HERE WE COME!!!!!!

Sweet Love,

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