Saturday 9 March 2013

15 Weeks Preggo!!

Happy Saturday everyone!!! :) Today marks my 15 Weeks being pregnant! YaY!  I'm happy to say that for the first time in four months,  I EXERCISED this morning.  I did a prenatal yoga dvd, and it felt amazing!  So much so, that at the end of the routine I teared up a little :) I really missed it!  
Over the last three days, I've had a terrible tension headache, and I think the yoga and sweet shoulder massage my hubby gave me this morning, really did help!  He also made me breakfast (I'm one lucky girl)!  We had TLT'S (Tempeh, lettuce and tomater sandwiches)  With veganaise(mayo), and salt and pepper! Yumbly in my tumbly!  I just love food so much!! It brings me pure joy!!  Tonight I'm going to try a new recipe I saw on Alicia Silverstone's website.  It's fetticini alfredo... I'll let ya know if it's delish :D  

I wish you all a happy and peaceful Saturday :)  The suns' shinin' bright today in Calgary!! XoXo

Sweet Love,  


  1. YaYYYYY Misty. You look fantastic! Keep up with the exercise every day. You will be so happy you did :D

  2. How have I missed this??? Oh my goodness I'm a SOOO happy for you!!!! congrats & big huggs!!!!!
