Wednesday 13 March 2013

So much to look forward to :D

Insert drum roll here.....................bang bang........................bang.......................bang...........................bang....................bang............bang...................................

JENS AND I ARE GOING TO LAS VEGAS!!! YIPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!  We're leaving at the end of March, and staying for five nights!  I'm really excited, as I've never been to Vegas, and I've heard so many great things!!! This will be our last trip together before baby arrives, and only a couple of days after we return, we find out if we're having a boy or girl!!! EEEEEXCITING TIMES!!!  :D

Anyhoo, my midwife appointment went really well yesterday.  My blood work all came back great, and my protein and iron levels are perfect! We heard sweet potater's heart beat again, and of course I was smiling from ear to ear :D  On the way to our appointment we stopped at "The Big Cheese Poutinerie" on 17th Ave, and I ordered a large sloppy vegan poutine! It was SOOOOOO DELISH in my belly!  Although, next time I treat myself to poutine, I will eat it at a slower pace so it doesn't hurt my tummy ;) LOL! I can be a serious food monster at times!!

A lil special side note.... today is Jens and my three year anniversary from the day we met!  I dropped him off at the airport early this morning for his New Orleans business trip, and I miss him already! Honey, if you're reading this ~ I love you beyond measure, and you make me the happiest girl in the world! These past three years have been the best of my life so far XoXoXo 

That's it for tonight, I'm going to watch "Look Who's Talking" Part 2 , anddddd I'm pretty sure there's a yumbly coconut fudge bar calling my name from the freezer ;) Nighters xoxoxo

Sweet Love, 

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