Saturday 16 March 2013

16 weeks pregnant :)

This morning I woke up and told myself "Today is baby's four month b-day, so I'm going to make him/her a special breakfast" :)  I ended up making blueberry banana buckwheat pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup.  They turned out really delicious!! All organic ingredients!!  I also made a spinach and berry smoothie with vanilla pea protein powder.  YUM!  Happy baby, and happy mama for sure!!

I've attached a picture of the prenatal vitamins and other supplements I take everyday.  Fabulously vegan of course :D  Unfortunately, I'm a big wuss and can't swallow the prenatal pills, so I have to open the capsules, pour the powder on a spoon, and wash it down with orange juice three times a day lol.  No big deal :) The DHA/Omega oil has a nice citrus flavour, and the B12 has a yummy berry flavour. 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend :D  Mine will get so much better tomorrow morning... that's when I pick up my Jensie bear from the airport YAY!!! 

Sweet Love, 

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