Tuesday 12 March 2013

Oz...midwives...business trips...laundry ;)

Jens and I went to see "The great and powerful Oz" last night, and holy guacamole... it was visually SPECTACULAR!!! I can't believe how far cinematography has come!  Seeing this kind of magic in front of my eyes makes me feel lucky to be living in such an advanced time.  Though, I know I would have equally loved to live in the older days, in a slower pace of peace and simplicity.  I recommend this movie, but there are some frightening parts that might be too much for the little ones.  I found myself gripping on to Jens' arm a few times throughout :).  

On a different note,  I have a midwives appt this afternoon for a full physical.  I'm looking forward to it, and hope that I get to hear the babies heartbeat again :) Such a beautiful sound!!  Tonight will be Jens and my last night together until Sunday.  He's going to New Orleans for a business trip, and I will surely miss him.  I love how much I enjoy his company! My very best friend :)  Tear* 

Well, I think it's time to roll myself outta bed now (lol),  I have like five loads of laundry to fold that I let build up, and baby is waiting for his/her green smoothie and vitamins :)  Check back tomorrow, as I'm going to share some exciting news! Xo

Sweet Love, 

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