Friday 8 March 2013

Two Pink Lines =

I'm a little late in starting this blog, as I've had absolutely no energy these first few months!!  Now that I'm into my second trimester I'm feeling somewhat better! ... And as Uncle Jessie from Full House would say "Havvve Mercy" ;)   I'm exactly 14 weeks and 6 days today, and before I get into discussing the present, I'm going to back track a little into my first trimester. 

I found out the wonderful news on the morning of December 27th, 2012.  I was five days late for my period, and couldn't go another day without taking a pregnancy test.  The night before, my dog Bailey was snuggling right up to my belly, and she fell asleep there.  I just knew that something magical was happening! I woke up the next morning at 6am, and flew out the door to the nearest 24 hour grocery store.  I rushed home, took the test and nearly fell off the potty when I saw those two pink lines!!! "MOMMMMMMMM" I screamed! "COME HERE QUICK"!!!  (Mom was visiting us from Ontario for Christmas), and I was sooo happy to have her share that moment with me! We jumped for joy and cried and hugged and freaked out together!! It was amazing!! Then I called my husband, and told him the news through a shwack of tears.  He knew I was taking the test that morning, so I couldn't wait for him to get home from work to tell him.  We cried together on the phone,  and he came home a little early from work so we could be together :)  

A couple days later we took a trip to the doctor,  and found out we were five weeks along.  Our next step was stocking up on Vegan prenatal vitamins, and applying for a midwife.  Thankfully, we got approved, and we're so happy with the team of ladies we have looking after us.  My sister in law recommended this team, as she had them for her pregnancy :)  

Here are some descriptive words on how I felt in my first trimester.... Exhausted, Bloated, Nauseous, Emotional, Nervous, Excited.... but mostly EXHAUSTED! LOL! I was not expecting to feel THAT tired! I didn't have the energy to exercise, cook, clean, style my hair, pluck my eyebrows or even shave my legs... it was crazy! I felt like a completely different person!  Oh and on top of that, my face broke out in zits, my boobies hurt like a son of a gun, and my pants stopped fitting comfortably!  What a delightful, walk in the park ;). 

Beyond all of that yuckyness,  I still felt really excited and was just hoping that I would feel somewhat normal again, soon.   My sister in law assured me that I would start feeling better once my second trimester came, and I thank my lucky stars that she was right!  :D  That's it for my quickie 1st trimester update!  Check back soon xoxoxo

Sweet Love, 


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