Saturday 11 May 2013

24 Weeks Pregnant... and other random shtuff :D

Holy Guacamoleeee!!  Mama, Aunty Faye and I just got home from seven hours of garage saling!! LOL!! We found so many great treasures :D  I found a nice pine wood bench for our front entrance, some baby clothes, baby books, a Norah Jones Cd and a few other things.  We had a really fun day, and now we're all exhausted ;)

  At least five different people asked me when I'm due while out and about today!  I guess it's pretty obvious now ;) I can't believe I'm already six months pregnant!!  It's going by so fast!! 

Last night we all went to Stage West to see "Chicago" the musical.  I absolutely LOVED it!! I enjoyed the buffet there as well, even though I was limited to the salad bar,  and roasted potatoes ;)  I put a shwack of kidney beans on my salad so I wasn't missing out on the protein. NOM!   It twas a lovely evening, and I highly recommend this dinner and show to everyone :D

As I mentioned in my previous blog,  Mama, Aunty Faye and I have been working on a quilt for baby girl Sorensen :) I'm happy to say we finished it a couple of days ago, and I love how it turned out!  It means SO much that we made it together, and put all of our love into it :)  

Tomorrow the fam jam is getting together in Sylvan Lake for Mothers Day :)  We're having a potluck lunch, and games day!  I love my family so much! They're the BEST!!! We're only missing one of my favourite people on the planet... Stevie! I miss you lil stank! Can't wait to see you at the end of the summer Xoxoxo

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!! Happy Mothers Day to all Xoxoxox

Sweet Love,

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