Tuesday 28 May 2013

26 Weeks Pregnant :D

Wow!! Almost in my third trimester!! Over these past couple of weeks, I have found it more difficult to sleep.  I wake up a kerspillion times a night trying to get comfortable.  I bought the wedge pillow a few days ago and I whipped it on the floor half way through the night LMAO!!! I'll be taking it back to Toys R Us today :)  The extra weight I'm carrying is starting to really hurt my lower back and rib cage, so I'm thinkin' it's time to book another prenatal massage to ease some of the aches and pains :)

I'm carrying this baby girl really low in my tummy, so I often feel a TON of pressure, and have to use the ladies room a zillion times a day! ;)  Subsequently, I've been living in cotton leggings and I usually put my jammies on around dinner time hehehe!!  I have one pair of maternity jeans that I try to squeeze into, but I usually end up ripping them off half way through the day to put my leggings back on :D

A few nights ago I woke from my sleep to a NASTY pain/cramp in my left calf.  It felt like a permanent charlie horse, and lasted a good 30 seconds.  OUCHIE!!  That's the first time I've ever experienced that, and I hope it doesn't happen again. 

And.... since I'm mentioning all the pain I've been experiencing, this one is funny!!  I slammed my finger in the pantry door last weekend, and it hurt like a son of a nutcracker... but instead of crying like I usually would, I told myself "Misty, you are going to have to give birth in a few months, so if you cry now, you are a total WIMP"!!!! I held back the tears and held my breath until the throbbing went away ;)  GO ME GOOOO !!!! lol!!! 

I'm going to play Scrabble with my mama now.  We've found a way to make it more interesting.... whoever loses has to buy the winner a LARGE Booster Juice!  Wish me luck ;) Xoxoxo 

Sweet Love,

1 comment:

  1. Aww Mist you're so beautiful. Miss you all the time! say hi to mamaduke


    Sing pookalaka to the babes from me
