Tuesday 28 May 2013

26 Weeks Pregnant :D

Wow!! Almost in my third trimester!! Over these past couple of weeks, I have found it more difficult to sleep.  I wake up a kerspillion times a night trying to get comfortable.  I bought the wedge pillow a few days ago and I whipped it on the floor half way through the night LMAO!!! I'll be taking it back to Toys R Us today :)  The extra weight I'm carrying is starting to really hurt my lower back and rib cage, so I'm thinkin' it's time to book another prenatal massage to ease some of the aches and pains :)

I'm carrying this baby girl really low in my tummy, so I often feel a TON of pressure, and have to use the ladies room a zillion times a day! ;)  Subsequently, I've been living in cotton leggings and I usually put my jammies on around dinner time hehehe!!  I have one pair of maternity jeans that I try to squeeze into, but I usually end up ripping them off half way through the day to put my leggings back on :D

A few nights ago I woke from my sleep to a NASTY pain/cramp in my left calf.  It felt like a permanent charlie horse, and lasted a good 30 seconds.  OUCHIE!!  That's the first time I've ever experienced that, and I hope it doesn't happen again. 

And.... since I'm mentioning all the pain I've been experiencing, this one is funny!!  I slammed my finger in the pantry door last weekend, and it hurt like a son of a nutcracker... but instead of crying like I usually would, I told myself "Misty, you are going to have to give birth in a few months, so if you cry now, you are a total WIMP"!!!! I held back the tears and held my breath until the throbbing went away ;)  GO ME GOOOO !!!! lol!!! 

I'm going to play Scrabble with my mama now.  We've found a way to make it more interesting.... whoever loses has to buy the winner a LARGE Booster Juice!  Wish me luck ;) Xoxoxo 

Sweet Love,

Thursday 23 May 2013

A few of my favourite products :D

Good morning cold, rainy, gloomy day :D  This weather calls for a creative, cozy day inside.  

I started my morning off with a relaxing bath, and while swimmin' around in there, I thought it would be nice to share some of my favourite products.  Over the last four years I've tried out many different vegan/organic/cruelty free products, and I've narrowed it down to the ones I love the most :) 

As you can see in the photo below, Zuzu Luxe is my favourite cosmetic brand.  They use 100%  all natural ingredients, and their entire line is vegan.  I use their dual powder foundation (D-24),  their blush in (Sunset), and their mascara in (Onyx). Love Love Love this company!!! :D Planet Organic carries the Zuzu Luxe line, or you can order on the web.

My favourite cosmetic brushes are ECOTOOLS.  Alicia Silverstone has put out a few really nice sets, which include an all natural make up case.  All cruelty free, and the brushes are so soft and luxurious on your skin.  I found one of my sets at Walgreens in Nashville, and the other set at Winners. 

As for shampoo and conditioner,  I've experimented with soooo many!!! My favourite brand so far is Dessert Essence Organics (Italian red grape).  It smells amazing, and leaves my hair feeling soft and manageable.  This product has no harsh chemicals, and is all natural and cruelty free :) 

My tooth paste, face moisturizer and deodorant are all made by "Kiss My Face".  I love these products, and feel so good about using them everyday!  Have a look at their website.

I've been using "Aleva Naturals" stretch mark cream throughout my pregnancy, and although it's on the expensive side, I really love how it feels on my skin.  Great moisturizer, and I enjoy the soothing scent :)  http://www.alevanaturals.com/website/stretchmark.html

As for body wash, and face wash, I use an all natural/organic lavender bar soap. You can purchase these at any all natural health food stores.  Just make sure there's no goats milk or honey in the ingredients list if you're Vegan.   Very inexpensive, yet very effective :D

I feel it's so important to be kind to your body/mind/spirit, kind to the planet, and kind to other human beings and animals.  I'm happy to see more and more people becoming aware of what they're putting into their bodies.  This is our only vehicle to get around in life, and we need to take better care of this special gift.   It's not about being "perfect",  it's about making an effort to do the best you can :) 

Sweetest of love to y'all Xo

Tuesday 21 May 2013

25 Weeks Pregnant :D

 Special thanks to my Aunty Faye for the beautiful handmade baby gifts :D Jens and I love them so much!!!!  I also really enjoyed making the cute peach booties together XoXoXo Love you!!!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Yummy recipe and a must read pregnancy book :D

I made a really yummy dinner tonight :)  Sweet potato, black bean tacos with a spiced lime creamy sauce, and rice crispy squares for dessert! This pregnant mama is one happy camper :D 

Here's a link to the recipe I used, though I modified it to my liking :)  I created the spiced lime creamy sauce as well. 


1/2 cup tofutti (sour cream)
1/2 cup veganaise (mayo)
1/2 of a lime squeezed
1/2 package of organic taco seasoning

I also want to recommend a hilarious pregnancy book called  "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy.  I'm reading it for the second time now, and I just love how real and honest she is.  I've found myself laughing out loud quite a few times throughout :D

Sweet Love

Saturday 11 May 2013

24 Weeks Pregnant... and other random shtuff :D

Holy Guacamoleeee!!  Mama, Aunty Faye and I just got home from seven hours of garage saling!! LOL!! We found so many great treasures :D  I found a nice pine wood bench for our front entrance, some baby clothes, baby books, a Norah Jones Cd and a few other things.  We had a really fun day, and now we're all exhausted ;)

  At least five different people asked me when I'm due while out and about today!  I guess it's pretty obvious now ;) I can't believe I'm already six months pregnant!!  It's going by so fast!! 

Last night we all went to Stage West to see "Chicago" the musical.  I absolutely LOVED it!! I enjoyed the buffet there as well, even though I was limited to the salad bar,  and roasted potatoes ;)  I put a shwack of kidney beans on my salad so I wasn't missing out on the protein. NOM!   It twas a lovely evening, and I highly recommend this dinner and show to everyone :D

As I mentioned in my previous blog,  Mama, Aunty Faye and I have been working on a quilt for baby girl Sorensen :) I'm happy to say we finished it a couple of days ago, and I love how it turned out!  It means SO much that we made it together, and put all of our love into it :)  

Tomorrow the fam jam is getting together in Sylvan Lake for Mothers Day :)  We're having a potluck lunch, and games day!  I love my family so much! They're the BEST!!! We're only missing one of my favourite people on the planet... Stevie! I miss you lil stank! Can't wait to see you at the end of the summer Xoxoxo

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!! Happy Mothers Day to all Xoxoxox

Sweet Love,

Tuesday 7 May 2013

23 Weeks Pregnant :D

Howdy :D

I haven't been writing as much because my Mama and Aunty are here in town! We've been so busy crafting, cooking, shopping and painting the nursery!  I love having two of my favourite women here!!! We've been crafting a special quilt for baby girl, and we should have it finished by tomorrow.  I'll post a picture when it's complete. :)

23 weeks pregnant, and in the last week my dreams have been BANANAS!!!!  They've become so strange and freaky that I actually feel upset in the morning until I can shake it off.  Has anyone else experienced this while being pregnant?  For example: A few nights ago I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins... a boy and a girl, and the little boy died upon delivery, and I saw his lifeless face :'(  SERIOUSLY!!! How disturbing is that!!!  I'm hoping this doesn't last for much longer.  

On a happier note, my little girl is moving around like a ninja as I type this :D  I've noticed between 8:30 and 9:30 at night, she's a lil busy bee in there.  It's so comforting to feel her, as it lets me know she's okay :)

And on a more humorous note... my belly is getting GINORMOUS, which in turn has morphed me into a PENGUIN lol!  I waddle around all day, and it's hilarious!  Can't wait to see myself near the end of my third trimester.  So far I've been thoroughly entertained!! :D  

Sweet Love to y'all,