Wednesday 26 June 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant :)

As you've probably noticed, I haven't been writing as much lately.  I've had a rough couple of weeks, and it's been a struggle to find the motivation to write.  The abdominal pain I talked about in my last blog is still kickin' around, and my midwives told me I have to take it REALLY easy.  I'm pretty much stuck in the house for the next while until I heal.  Jens and I were supposed to leave for Lake Tahoe this morning for a little four day vacation/work function, but because of this dang tummy pain we've decided it's better that I stay behind :(  Jens is flying out tomorrow morning as he needs to be there for work.  I was realllllly looking forward to this trip, so it's a bit of a bummer.  

On a brighter note, my mama is here to keep me company :D  So we'll hang out and play Scrabble and watch movies, and eat delicious food!!  So grateful she's here with me Xoxoxoxo I love you Mama!!

My sweet mother in law dropped off some beautiful flowers this morning to cheer me up :)  Thanks for making my day and making me smile so big Xoxoxox I love you Mama B!!

Even though I've been in some icky pain, it can't keep me down for long, because I have sooooooo many things to be grateful for :D Truly.   Here's a little list of things that made me happy today in no particular order :) 

 - Coming downstairs this morning to a beautiful bouquet of flowers
- Baking the yummiest bananer bread I've ever made NOM!
- Feeling comfortable in my new maternity tank tops
- My hunny coming home from work early to see me :D
- My Mama helping with some cleaning and chores Xo
- My vid chat with Shaun
- My vid chat with Mark
- My phone chat with Paul
- My sweet, amazing lil furball just being her cute and loving self!
- Having leftover chili and fresh bread for lunch (always better the second day)
- Sitting in the backyard in the warmth of the sunshine, with the breeze blowing the lovely scent of lilacs my way! I love our lilac tree! 
- Feeling my lil girl squirm around in my tummy XoXoXo
- .... and last but not least, the juicy kiss my husband just gave me, and said "put that on your list" LOL

I hope everyone's having a great week :) Give as many hugs as you can Xo

Sweet Love, 

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