Sunday 9 June 2013

28 Weeks Pregnant :D

Jens and I LOVED our first prenatal class :D  It was so empowering and informative!!! I'm very excited for our next one tomorrow night.  I fully believe these classes will give us the confidence we need to choose the right birth plan for our little girl :) 

I can't believe we're in our 3rd and final trimester!  Our lil potater will be here before we know it :D 

I'm feeling pretty good, other than not sleeping very well.  It seems like I get one good night sleep every two weeks SHEESH!! Between the weird dreams, potty breaks, a sore back, and tossing and turning... it's been a little rough.  Though, I know it could be a lot worse, so I'm not going to get my spaghettios in a twist over it. lol!

On another note, I'm reallllly happy my mom is here!! We've been having so much fun together, and playin' Scrabble almost every night :)  We went garage saling on Saturday, and I got a comfy t-shirt for $1, and a cute, oak stand up shelf for $5.  I just love second hand shopping!!  Bargoons make me happy :)  

Anyhoo,  I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend Xoxoxo 

Sweet Love, 

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