Wednesday 26 June 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant :)

As you've probably noticed, I haven't been writing as much lately.  I've had a rough couple of weeks, and it's been a struggle to find the motivation to write.  The abdominal pain I talked about in my last blog is still kickin' around, and my midwives told me I have to take it REALLY easy.  I'm pretty much stuck in the house for the next while until I heal.  Jens and I were supposed to leave for Lake Tahoe this morning for a little four day vacation/work function, but because of this dang tummy pain we've decided it's better that I stay behind :(  Jens is flying out tomorrow morning as he needs to be there for work.  I was realllllly looking forward to this trip, so it's a bit of a bummer.  

On a brighter note, my mama is here to keep me company :D  So we'll hang out and play Scrabble and watch movies, and eat delicious food!!  So grateful she's here with me Xoxoxoxo I love you Mama!!

My sweet mother in law dropped off some beautiful flowers this morning to cheer me up :)  Thanks for making my day and making me smile so big Xoxoxox I love you Mama B!!

Even though I've been in some icky pain, it can't keep me down for long, because I have sooooooo many things to be grateful for :D Truly.   Here's a little list of things that made me happy today in no particular order :) 

 - Coming downstairs this morning to a beautiful bouquet of flowers
- Baking the yummiest bananer bread I've ever made NOM!
- Feeling comfortable in my new maternity tank tops
- My hunny coming home from work early to see me :D
- My Mama helping with some cleaning and chores Xo
- My vid chat with Shaun
- My vid chat with Mark
- My phone chat with Paul
- My sweet, amazing lil furball just being her cute and loving self!
- Having leftover chili and fresh bread for lunch (always better the second day)
- Sitting in the backyard in the warmth of the sunshine, with the breeze blowing the lovely scent of lilacs my way! I love our lilac tree! 
- Feeling my lil girl squirm around in my tummy XoXoXo
- .... and last but not least, the juicy kiss my husband just gave me, and said "put that on your list" LOL

I hope everyone's having a great week :) Give as many hugs as you can Xo

Sweet Love, 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

29 Weeks Preggo!

This post is a couple days late, sorry about that :)  I've had some complications over the last few days, and it hasn't been fun.  Sunday morning I woke up to a horrible pain in my right abdomen.  It hurt so much we decided to call our midwife.  She went through a bunch of questions etc, and then told me to take a warm bath, and lay down to see if it would subside.  After about an hour, the intensity of the pain went away, and we carried on with our day.  Until.... that evening.  I was watching a movie on the couch with my family, and just as I was getting up to grab a drink, it struck again!!! This time it was unbearable.  I've never EVER felt pain like that.  I was screaming and crying at the top of my lungs, and couldn't get comfortable.  We called our midwife back, and she told us to meet her at the Hospital.  Jens and my Mama had to dress me :(  ... and we arrived and met our midwife at 10pm.  First thing, they checked to make sure baby girl was alright.  Her heart rate and movement was perfect, and I was not having contractions (thank goodness).   They examined me, and took a shwack of blood, and then told me I should come back at 8am for an ultrasound.  We were there for 3 hours that night.  The next morning, we met our midwife there, and hours later they called me in for an ultrasound.  By this time the intensity of the pain had subsided again.  All in all we were there for 5 hours yesterday, and the results of all the tests came back normal.  Great news :)  Our midwife and the hospital doctor said I must've torn a muscle or ligament, and said that I had to completely rest up the next few days to heal.  I'm just happy that it's not something more serious!!

As exhausted as we were last night, we still managed to make it to our prenatal class.  It was 2.5 hours long, and I could barely keep my eyes open.  I'm happy that we went though,  we didn't want to miss anything!!  LOVE THIS CLASS!!

Anyhoo,  I hope everyone's having a good week :)  Mine started off rough, but it'll get better!! I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have supportive, loving, incredible people in my life XoXo

Sweet Love to all,

Sunday 9 June 2013

28 Weeks Pregnant :D

Jens and I LOVED our first prenatal class :D  It was so empowering and informative!!! I'm very excited for our next one tomorrow night.  I fully believe these classes will give us the confidence we need to choose the right birth plan for our little girl :) 

I can't believe we're in our 3rd and final trimester!  Our lil potater will be here before we know it :D 

I'm feeling pretty good, other than not sleeping very well.  It seems like I get one good night sleep every two weeks SHEESH!! Between the weird dreams, potty breaks, a sore back, and tossing and turning... it's been a little rough.  Though, I know it could be a lot worse, so I'm not going to get my spaghettios in a twist over it. lol!

On another note, I'm reallllly happy my mom is here!! We've been having so much fun together, and playin' Scrabble almost every night :)  We went garage saling on Saturday, and I got a comfy t-shirt for $1, and a cute, oak stand up shelf for $5.  I just love second hand shopping!!  Bargoons make me happy :)  

Anyhoo,  I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend Xoxoxo 

Sweet Love, 

Sunday 2 June 2013

27 Weeks Pregnant :D

I hope y'all had a great weekend :) Jens and I went to a friend's wedding and had a wonderful time!! I've posted a few pics below of my 27 week belly.  Yay!  We start our birthing classes tomorrow evening, so I'll write more afterwards.  Xoxoxo

Sweet Love,