Tuesday 30 July 2013

35 weeks pregnant :D

I'm actually 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant today, but as you know, I've been pretty darn tired and I'm finding it hard to keep up to this blog LOL!  Just going to do the best I can :) 

These last couple of weeks I've been a total slug!!  Which I know is pretty common in the last trimester.  I'm SOOOO ready for this baby girl to come out into the world.  I'll be happy as long as she stays in there until 37 weeks, which is considered full term.   I've been experiencing more intense Braxton Hicks contractions, and also some mild period like cramping.  My body is definitely getting prepared for the real thing :D  

I took my dog Bailey for a 30 minute walk last week, and 10 minutes in I started to feel a ton of pressure and cramps in my lower tummy.   I was sooo uncomfortable, and I was literally whimpering and waddling down the street like the biggest loser!!  LMAO!! It seemed like everyone was doing double takes at me as they drove by ;)  Sorry Bails, no more walks from Mommy for awhile!! 

A few days ago we went to Babies R Us and bought a Britax infant car seat :) Happy to have that ticked off the list......  and today I'm going to pack our hospital bag :)

Last night I spent some time in the nursery going through lil potaters clothes.  I chose two outfits as her "coming home" attire,  including a hat that I knitted for her.  It's so hard to believe that she'll be here in a few short weeks :D  This has definitely been the longest WAIT of my life!  I don't do well with having to wait for exciting surprises, so this has definitely tested my patience hehehe!  Almost there!!

Our 9 week prenatal classes have come to an end, and we have our home visit with the midwives next Tuesday.  This is when we'll discuss our birth plan, and make sure everyone is on the same page :)  Ultimately, we would like to try for an all natural birth.  No interventions/drugs, unless absolutely necessary.  But,  I'm also going to keep an open mind, as I really don't know how I'm going to feel in the heat of the moment.  I'm crossing my fingers for a fast, uncomplicated labour and delivery :D  

A little side note - I weighed in at 153 pounds this past Sunday, which means I've gained about 33 pound throughout my pregnancy so far :)  I feel pretty good about that! 

Also,  my sister in law put together a baby pool, where you can guess "her" delivery date/time and weight.  Click on this link to make a wager - http://www.untilithappens.com/babysorensen

I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer :D  Sweet Love to you all Xoxoxo


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