Friday 12 July 2013

33 Weeks Pregnant :D

Happy that I woke up this morning and have the energy and motivation to write :D  YaY!!  I've had a good and busy week so far!  Monday night we had our prenatal class (LOVE), Tuesday evening we had a midwives apt (where we found out that all my blood levels are perfect) Wooo Hooo!!! This just proves to me even further that the Vegan lifestyle kicks butt!!  Last night,  Jens took my mom and I to Stage West for the "Uptown Country Girls" show and dinner.  We had a blast, and I reallllly enjoyed the special meal they made for me.  Roasted veggies in a yummy mater sauce on rice, with steamed asparagus.  I'm going to have a protein shake this morning to make up for last night ;)    Today,  mom and I are going to spend the day together, and tonight Jens and I have our rescheduled prenatal class (due to the missed class on Canada Day).   We're also thinkin' about going to Stampede tomorrow :D  Busy week indeed!!! It's so nice to be feeling better, as I didn't do well with those couple weeks of "bed rest" YIKES!! I get stir crazy if I'm stuck in the house too long!

I'm going to head over to Chapters today to look for some Hypno birthing material.  Our midwives recommended that I try it, due to some of my anxieties.  I want to give birth naturally, so I'm going to have to be brave, and try to find "my calm" in the midst of the pain.  I'm feeling very excited to meet our little girl, but naturally I'm also feeling nervous about labour and delivery.  We've decided we're going to labour at home as long as possible, and then head to the Hospital near the end.  I really want to experience a home water birth, but I think I'll do better at the Hospital with baby #1.  Once I have this experience, I might feel more at peace to do a home birth next time around :)

I want to thank everyone again for all the sweet love on my Birthday last week!! I felt really special all day, and can't believe I'm one year away from the big 30 :D  A lot of people feel bad about aging, but I'm not one of those peeps!  I think there's something so special about being "another year older".  More wisdom, more memories, more laugh lines to carry with you and treasure....  

Anyhoo,  I hope you're all enjoying your Summer so far!!!  Smooch and Scooch the ones you love Xoxoxox

Sweet Love

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